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Index » Běžecké závody » [EN] Volkswagen Prague Marathon 2012 - few questions

[EN] Volkswagen Prague Marathon 2012 - few questions

Nalezené položky: 6 První Předchozí | 1 | Další Poslední

ADi3ek muž 08.05.2012 17:16:04

Hi there!

At the beginning, I'd like to say I'm sorry for writing here in English. I just don't know Czech language and realized that, all in all, is still better to use plain english than do Google Translate :)

I have a few questions concerning Volkswagen Prague Marathon event going on this weekend (which I am going to participate for the 1st time):

  1. Looking at the course elevation profile it's hard to say that it will be „flat course“ from start to finish. However, from what I see, there are some bridges, tunnels and road overpasses, so the real running profile can be different (as the elevation data usually takes into accounts ground level only). So, my question is to those who are more familiar with that race, how does it look in reality? Are there any serious uphills that one should be avare of?
  2. There will be many runners on the starting line this Sunday. (8500 Is the limit I guess?) How is the start usually organized? Are there any zones provided, and if so, what delay should I expect before reaching starting line if I'll be located, let's say, in 4:00 zone?

Speaking of course map and elevation profile, I've prepared one here: http://yourace.info/en/event/17 – IMHO it's pretty convenient to analyze. You can also plan the entire strategy and „simulate“ the race over there, so feel free to check it out and let me know if you have any feedback :)



Praha 9

Celkem 9303,79 km
Minulý měsíc 0 km
10 km: 0:40:13 (2014)
půlmaraton: 1:31:41 (2013)
maraton: 3:27:44 (2014)

asteryx muž 08.05.2012 18:00:03

>> ADi3ek, 08. 05. 2012 17:16:04

Hi ADi,

first of all, there is official Runners guide on PIM's web site: http://www.praguemarathon.com/…_info_fm.pdf

there you can find answer to your second question. Last year I was targeting to time under 4 hours and I had 4 mins delay before reaching starting line.

To the elevation question: yes, there are couple of bridges, tunnels, but none of these are serious uphill. So nothing to be worry about.

Let us know in case of any other questions…otherwise enjoy the race on sunday and see you on the course.



ADi3ek muž 09.05.2012 10:41:37

>> asteryx, 08. 05. 2012 18:00:03

Thanks asteryx for your quick reply! 4 mins delay isn't that much if compared to other big events. Looking forward to the Sunday race then :)



petr445 muž 09.05.2012 10:44:02

>> ADi3ek, 08. 05. 2012 17:16:04

hi ADi Tomas is right about the elevation. Be prepaded to several places where you have to run a little uphill, but nothing really serious. I would be personally more worried about cobblestones in final parts of the race. As for the start, I can only compare to Vienna and couple of races in the UK and Germany and you would better be prepared to experience a chaos in Prague. Oficcialy there are zones provided, but in my opinion serious part of the runners would not respect any and organizers are pretty much useless in there. But once at the road, there is nothing to worry about. enjoy Prague, Petr


Praha 9

Celkem 9303,79 km
Minulý měsíc 0 km
10 km: 0:40:13 (2014)
půlmaraton: 1:31:41 (2013)
maraton: 3:27:44 (2014)

asteryx muž 09.05.2012 19:05:34

>> ADi3ek, 09. 05. 2012 10:41:37

Just wanted to add, if I remember correctly, last runner cross the start line after 8 minutes

>> petr445, 09. 05. 2012 10:44:02

Corridors – I was muuuuch better on the last 1/2 marathon as there was some kind of security guys and they were kind of strict who to let in or not…let see on sunday


ADi3ek muž 10.05.2012 12:56:24

>> petr445, 09. 05. 2012 10:44:02

Well, I can deal with chaos at the beginning. That's pretty much the same what I saw in most of the races I ran so far… :))

Nalezené položky: 6 První Předchozí | 1 | Další Poslední

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